A dental crown acts as a cover for your tooth. Crowns support and stabilize a damaged tooth and generate a healthy smile.
The materials that make up a crown mimic the texture and color of the tooth and can enhance your smile without the need for an implant or denture. A standard lifespan for a dental crown is around 15 years, making it a great long-term solution for your smile.
Preparing and placing the crown can take a few visits to our office, but our team will walk you through the process during your consultation. Our team will take x-rays of the tooth and take impressions before placing a temporary crown.
Once the crown is ready, we will use a local anesthetic to numb the mouth and place the permanent crown on the tooth.
You may experience discomfort or sensitivity for a short time after the crown is placed.
Continue regular dental hygiene and dental visits to ensure your crown stays in place and protects your tooth.