Take a look at the lovely city of Clawson were we are located on 14 mile and Main street. We want to give a big thank you to Orest for his great testimonial taken with our very own Dr. Craig Wernette. If you are having trouble with your teeth, make sure to reach out to us by either contacting us on our website https://www.lifetimedental-clawson.com or giving us a call at (248) 588-6565!
Time for Veneers!

Veneers are a popular choice among patients looking to improve the look of their smile. A veneer is a thin cover that can help with cracked or chipped teeth and cover stained or discolored teeth. Veneers can be either porcelain or composite resin.
Porcelain veneers are very durable and provide a great finish for a natural-looking appearance. Your dentist will begin the process by removing some enamel to prepare your tooh for the veneer Composte resin veneers are not as strong, but can be easily repaired. Less enamel needs to be removed for the composite resin option, and you can get fitted for the veeners and leave with them the same day.
Caring for your veeners is the same as caring for a regular tooth. Avoid any food or drink that can stain the tooth, and continue brushing two times a day for two minutes each time.
Your dentist with check up on your veeners at your bi-annual visit. If you think you are a caidate for veeneers, give us a call today to begin the process.

A dental crown acts as a cover for your tooth. Crowns support and stabilize a damaged tooth and generate a healthy smile.
The materials that make up a crown mimic the texture and color of the tooth and can enhance your smile without the need for an implant or denture. A standard lifespan for a dental crown is around 15 years, making it a great long-term solution for your smile.
Preparing and placing the crown can take a few visits to our office, but our team will walk you through the process during your consultation. Our team will take x-rays of the tooth and take impressions before placing a temporary crown.
Once the crown is ready, we will use a local anesthetic to numb the mouth and place the permanent crown on the tooth.
You may experience discomfort or sensitivity for a short time after the crown is placed.
Continue regular dental hygiene and dental visits to ensure your crown stays in place and protects your tooth.
Lifetime Dental Excellence Wishes You a Happy Easter 2022
Happy Valentine’s Day 2022
This year we would like to wish you a loving and Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
Happy New Year 2022
Our team at Lifetime Dental Excellence would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2022!