Lifetime Dental Excellence is a leading service provider for bridges. Dental bridges help to fill in smiles, keep the mouth and jaw healthy, and provide a happy solution to worries and troubles caused by a poor dental structure.
What is a dental bridge?
A dental bridge fills in gaps of a smile using synthetic materials that mimic the build and look of real teeth. To begin, an impression is taken of your mouth to determine the perfect fit. Next, synthetic teeth are built from a collection of materials in order to best replicate the real thing. A bridge is much like a synthetic tooth, but the piece contains a collection of teeth to help with stability and strength for that section of the mouth.
Why do I need a dental bridge?
A lot of times, dental bridges are handy for patients missing teeth or suffering pain in one or more tooth. Likewise, they can help to replace a section of the mouth that is hosting weak or damaged teeth. Without a bridge, open areas of the mouth may lead your healthy teeth to shift their positioning. This is incredibly painful, and can lead to problems with straightness, as well as oral comfort.
How do I know if I should get a dental bridge?
The best way to know if a bridge is right for you is to stop in and see us. At Lifetime Dental Excellence, we have over three decades of experience in dental bridges and other common tooth replacement and removal services. We will walk you through the process, and ensure you get the best possible care.
How do I take care of a dental bridge?
Luckily, caring for a dental bridge is not unlike caring for your natural teeth. If the bridge is in place and structurally sound, you can take a few extra precautions, but add no real extra work into your oral hygiene routine. Be sure to keep up with these forms of dental bridge care to avoid damage to the material, and further dental procedures:
● Regular checkups and cleanings are important for oral wellness in general, as well as bridges. This way, our team can see if the bridge is still intact, working, and determine whether or not further action needs to be taken to keep your mouth healthy. Plus, your dentist uses these checkups to look for plaque and decay in your natural teeth as well, so be sure to practice proper care at home.
● The ADA recommends regular brushing and flossing to keep teeth healthy. This is crucial for dental bridges as well. We will suggest using the best toothpaste and toothbrush for your bridge.
● The choices you make with your food and drink consumption can keep bridges strong. Be sure to avoid foods that can harm your dental bridge, as well as discolor the material used to form the bridge. Our office will educate you what to avoid when you visit, and check in with you during routine checkups.
Contact us for questions or for a consultation on dental bridges. We are proud to service Clawson, Michigan, as well as provide nearby care for Royal Oak, Troy, Madison Heights, Berkley, Birmingham, Huntington Woods, and the surrounding areas.